While some things are often described as having a “timeless” quality, it is more often than not that the description only holds weight for so long. Trends have a shelf life and there are few items/looks that can escape that fate. With the change being inevitable, it’s time to remodel. This can easily become an overwhelming process, especially from a financial standpoint. We’re going to go through a few ways that you can save money when you decide those trends have worn their welcome. Continue reading
Category Archives: Kitchen
Your Kitchen in 2017
Our last blog talked about the home remodeling trends for the coming year and now we want to focus on kitchen cabinets, since the kitchen is one of the most remodeled rooms in homes across the country. The 2017 Kitchen Cabinet trends have to deal with color and style. Here are our 5 favorite! Continue reading
Kitchen Design Ideas

You aren’t alone if you hate your kitchen. It is one of the rooms in the house that nearly everyone spends the most time in and many find it inefficient and difficult to use if they didn’t design it themselves. This is why most home remodeling projects start with the kitchen and go from there. In a 2013 survey of their readers, Forbes asked nearly 8,000 readers about their plans to remodel. 49% of those who responded said they were going to completely gut their kitchens! If that’s your plan in the coming year, here are some ideas to consider and some to forget. Continue reading
Get the Kitchen You Want Before the Holidays
It happens every year, right at the start of January as you are clearing out the holiday decorations and thinking about the magic that was Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Eve and then you think, “so many people were cramped into my kitchen and I hate it!” It might not be the exact quote, but you are not alone when it comes to people who hate their kitchens and wish they had done something about it BEFORE the holidays. But the year slips by and here we are…in September. Well, let this blog remind you to get to it NOW if you want to make some changes to the kitchen…and remember that Brunsell is here to help! Continue reading
Choosing the Right Countertop for Your Kitchen
You have finally had enough of your kitchen counters and are ready for a change, a jump into the present day countertops where you have more to choose from than the traditional laminates you grew up with (even those have come a long way!). We get it. There are lots of folks who come into Brunsell to look at our selections or to talk about ordering from one of our many vendors. Here is just a small look at the difference between the different kinds of countertops so you have an idea of what to choose from BEFORE you start your project. Continue reading
Cooking Pancakes on the Kitchen Island
You may not even be aware but an island vacation is going on every day, right at your house. Yes we’re talking about your kitchen island. Like most things that seem routine, a lot is actually hiding beneath the surface. During the week there’s usually a stack of homework papers next to the car keys and whatever needs to be cooked for dinner. On the weekend the littlest one has used their stool to ascend to top of the island where the pancake mix needs stirring. Continue reading
Return of the Kitchen Larder
In pre-fridge days, back when your grandma’s grandma and her grandma’s grandma were wee, kitchen larders were as common as dirt. Without refrigeration, these storage spaces provided the next best thing—a cool, clean area that could extend the shelf life of food. Generally, the larder would be near the kitchen and on the side of the home that got the least direct sunlight. If it were a cabinet-style larder, it would be equipped with shelves and cupboards. Little windows covered in fine mesh would be incorporated, to fend off flies while allowing for circulation of air. If it were a room-style larder or even a detached larder, it might also have insulated containers of ice, and ceiling hooks for hanging game. Continue reading
Bright, White, and Out of Sight: The Latest Trends in Kitchen and Bath Design

It’s been three months since the National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA) issued its annual Kitchen & Bath Design trends report. Based on trend predictions from member-designers who answer a survey, the thing is practically a crystal ball most of the time.
We think it’s nice to see if a trend grows real legs, has staying power, gains traction, sticks—whatever you want to call it—before shining a spotlight on it. (Otherwise, everyone runs out and impulsively spends a quarter of their annual income on dusty-rose bath fixtures and avocado-green kitchen appliances, only to spend the next 40 years wondering what the heck they were thinking.) Continue reading