Our last blog talked about the home remodeling trends for the coming year and now we want to focus on kitchen cabinets, since the kitchen is one of the most remodeled rooms in homes across the country. The 2017 Kitchen Cabinet trends have to deal with color and style. Here are our 5 favorite! Continue reading
Home Improvement in 2017
As we wrap up 2016, the trend analysts are already looking at what changes homeowners are considering for 2017. The Leading Indicator of Remodeling Activity (LIRA) predicts continued growth in home renovation and repair spending for 2017 before tapering off near the end of the year. While popular trends are looked at based on what majorities of people are buying and changing in their homes, we here at Brunsell know that our clients have their own styles and desires and some even buck the trends. Despite that, here’s what analysts say 2017 will look like for home improvement. Continue reading
Your Fireplace Mantel for Christmas
It’s the time of year where we are decorating, cooking, planning, and celebrating. Fireplaces are gathering places as the temperatures drop and become the focal point of living rooms. But, sometimes forgotten is the fireplace mantel and how much it can change the look of a room with just a little decoration for Christmas. Here are some ideas for sprucing up your mantel! Continue reading
Why Custom Millwork Still Works for the Home
There’s a feeling most people get when they walk into a home and the interior is highlighted with wood; from the interior-finish to the decorative highlights, a custom wood highlighted home brings us back to a simpler time, but one of old-school elegance. Custom millwork is still a valued part of most building construction or remodeling projects and Brunsell Lumber prides itself on the custom millwork we create for our clients and have been creating for more than 70 years in Wisconsin! Continue reading
Organizing the Closet
The closet: the bane of most people’s rooms.
It’s the part of the room that holds the most “treasures” but is never organized, even when you spend a weekend putting it together. By Tuesday of the next week, it’s a mess again.
It’s the part of the room that just doesn’t seem to have enough space!
Closets are something we all need and use and something we just can’t seem to keep in order. There’s either not enough space or just no way to keep all the clothes organized to make it easy to find what you need when you need it. You’re not alone in your angst. But, there are ways to make your life easier when it comes to the little clothing retailer that is your closet. We can help design a closet system for you that will have you wanting to spend more time in your closet rather than shutting the doors and running away! Continue reading
Kitchen Design Ideas

You aren’t alone if you hate your kitchen. It is one of the rooms in the house that nearly everyone spends the most time in and many find it inefficient and difficult to use if they didn’t design it themselves. This is why most home remodeling projects start with the kitchen and go from there. In a 2013 survey of their readers, Forbes asked nearly 8,000 readers about their plans to remodel. 49% of those who responded said they were going to completely gut their kitchens! If that’s your plan in the coming year, here are some ideas to consider and some to forget. Continue reading
Searching for Replacement Windows
Most people think the most important thing to look for when searching for replacement windows is how much can the energy bill be lowered. While this is very important, it should never be the most important reason. It could take years to actually recoup all the money spent on your replacement windows via your energy savings. Here’s what we believe you should be considering WITH the savings when looking for replacement windows. Continue reading
Get the Kitchen You Want Before the Holidays
It happens every year, right at the start of January as you are clearing out the holiday decorations and thinking about the magic that was Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Eve and then you think, “so many people were cramped into my kitchen and I hate it!” It might not be the exact quote, but you are not alone when it comes to people who hate their kitchens and wish they had done something about it BEFORE the holidays. But the year slips by and here we are…in September. Well, let this blog remind you to get to it NOW if you want to make some changes to the kitchen…and remember that Brunsell is here to help! Continue reading
Time for Replacement Windows
Maybe some of the summer heat got in and reminded you about your windows. Maybe you are thinking about winter and staring at your windows wondering if you can last another cold snap. Maybe you think you should get replacement windows but aren’t sure. Years of use can certainly cause your windows to “wear out” and while some might say they are reparable, here’s when you should look into replacement windows. Continue reading
Wisconsin Welcomes You
They are as iconic for Wisconsin as the Packers, cheese, and beer. Thousands of visitors and residents stop to take a photo next to them when they are driving into the state and they are posted all over social media giving Wisconsin, and Brunsell some great exposure. Although, you probably didn’t know that Brunsell created the “Wisconsin Welcomes You” signs. Continue reading