When it comes to evaluating trusses, a number of questions come to mind. For one, can you trust your truss supplier to eliminate bracing? After all, bracing—along with materials and labor—is expensive. While it is not always possible to eliminate bracing, Brunsell makes every effort to eliminate as much as we can, even if it means using 2 x 6 webs.
Does your supplier design trusses to meet the bare minimum loads required by law, or do they use higher loads so you and your customer will be pleased with product performance now and in the future? If your supplier is only designing for bare minimum loads, it may be the reason why floors bounce or drywall cracks.
Other questions you will want to consider center on TJ-Xpert®, a value-added design assistance program for intricate homes. TJ-Xpert creates and shows the placement of Trus Joist products used in your building. It correctly figures proper loads, tall walls built for code compliance, and bearing points from the roof down to the foundation. If you are purchasing products from Brunsell, we would be happy to provide you with a layout.
In addition, if needed, our sales staff will work with you to answer your questions and address any concerns you may have with your project. Simply call us at (608) 437-7183.